Our God:We live to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Luke10:27   We believe in an awesome, loving, compassionate, active God who desires a relationship with the millions that live in our community.   We have faith in His power, His mercy, His word, His Son Jesus Christ and His Sprit.   We desire for as many as possible to become apart of his eternal family. Our Plan of Faith:Our strategy is to build a faith-centered multicultural Church of disciples of Christ, building strong families and sharing God's love in our community.   We will build deep faith and family throughout every ministry and disciple in our congregation, through faith principles, faith partnerships, faith talks and faith groups.   Through teaching and living out marriage and family principles, we will provide hope and inspiration to marriages and families throughout the East San Gabriel Valley. Our Leadership Team:It's our conviction that every disciple is a leader guiding others towards God and using his/her gifts to inspire the congregation and every part of the body is vital in order for the body to grow and mature.   We are grateful for the elders and their wives, as well as evangelists and women's ministry leaders.   We are also excited about the core of volunteer shepherds, faith group leaders, and ministry leaders in each ministry that builds up the Church. Community Service:We envision every disciple participating in community service and active compassion, which consist of taking care of the needs of the believers. Gal 6:10 Support for HOPE worldwide and their work in Mexico and Central America. |